VAT Registration in Services in UAE -
Key Cosult

As the UAE’s economic landscape continues to evolve, businesses across the country must adapt to the changing tax environment.

Value Added Tax (VAT) has become an essential part of conducting business in the UAE, and compliance with the regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and legal issues.

At Key Consult, we understand the complexities of VAT registration and compliance, and we are here to simplify the process for you.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive VAT registration services, ensuring your business stays compliant and efficient in the UAE market.


Understanding VAT in the UAE:

Introduced on January 1, 2018, Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption-based tax levied on the supply of goods and services in the UAE. With a standard rate of 5%, VAT affects almost all businesses operating in the country.

Whether you are a small enterprise or a large corporation, VAT registration is a legal requirement if your annual turnover exceeds the mandatory threshold set by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA).

Our team at Key Consult stays up-to-date with the latest VAT regulations, ensuring you navigate the complex tax landscape with ease.


VAT Registration Criteria and Required Documents

VAT Registration in UAE can be divided in two categories:

a)      Voluntary VAT Registration in UAE

In case where, in the past 12 months, the value of supplies/taxable expenses exceeded AED 187,500 & it is expected to exceed 30 days in the current fiscal year.

b)     Mandatory VAT Registration in UAE

In the past 12 months, the resident value of the supplies exceeded AED 375,000 & it is expected to exceed 30 days in the current fiscal year


The Importance of VAT Registration:

VAT registration is not just a legal obligation; it also offers several advantages for businesses in the UAE. Some key benefits include:


  1. a) Legitimacy and Compliance: VAT registration establishes your business as a legal entity and ensures compliance with UAE tax laws.
  1. b) Customer Confidence: Registered businesses gain credibility and trust among customers, which can positively impact your brand reputation.
  1. c) Input Tax Recovery: VAT-registered companies can claim input tax credits on purchases made for business purposes, leading to potential cost savings.
  1. d) Supplier Relationships: VAT registration can enhance your relationships with suppliers, as many businesses prefer to deal with registered partners.

How Key Consult Can Help:

At Key Consult, we take pride in providing tailored VAT registration services that align with your business needs. Our experts possess in-depth knowledge of UAE tax regulations and a wealth of experience in assisting businesses across various sectors. Here’s how we can support you:

a) Expert Guidance: Our experienced consultants will guide you through the entire VAT registration process, explaining all the requirements and necessary documentation.

b) Timely Compliance: We ensure your VAT registration is completed accurately and on time, avoiding any potential penalties and legal issues.

c) Threshold Analysis: Our experts will assess your business turnover to determine whether VAT registration is mandatory or voluntary for your company.

d) VAT Consultancy: Apart from registration, we offer ongoing VAT consultancy to help you understand your tax liabilities, plan for VAT payments, and optimize your tax position.

e) Record-Keeping Assistance: Keeping track of VAT-related records is vital for compliance. Our team will assist you in maintaining accurate and organized records.

f) VAT Filing Support: We offer comprehensive support for VAT return filing, making sure you meet the reporting deadlines and stay fully compliant.
